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Sajan Shroff’s Story

This summer my family and I took a trip to Fiji. To find an orphanage to support in Fiji, I went to Pack for a Purpose, and I found Treasure House Children’s Home, an orphanage located in Nadi.  Treasure House currently serves 37 children ages 2-18 and are in dire need of supplies. To organize... Continue reading

The Ritz Studios ‘Seas’ Success

It’s another beautiful Saturday morning in Curacao, where the sun always shines… I glance down the driveway leading up to The Ritz Studios reception and see a group of about 10 people with assorted bags and backpacks walking toward me. It’s obvious that they are tourists but not your typical guest with a wheeled suitcase.... Continue reading

Asante Sana, Tanzania

After 30 hours of sitting in airports and planes, my husband Scott and I arrived on a crisp, clear morning in Arusha (frequent flyer tickets are not always the most direct route to a destination). Our immediate joy was seeing all six suitcases of the supplies we had checked in Raleigh waiting for us. After... Continue reading

PfaP Wedding Provides for Children in Curacao

Weddings are always a time of major planning. However, Darrell and I wanted to spend less time planning and more time celebrating with friends and family. Based on this desire, we decided to have a destination wedding. Curacao would be the place. We informed family and friends and the countdown began. The main question that... Continue reading

Great Read Benefits Great Causes

Pack for a Purpose is pleased to announce its partnership with Mark Thacker, author of Beyond the Mountaintop: Observations on Selling, Living and Achieving. PfaP is extremely grateful to Mark for donating half of the sales proceeds to PfaP from his compelling book, available on Amazon. Purchase this book for yourself, friends, and co-workers. It... Continue reading

Delivering Delight in the Dominican Republic

When Outback Adventures was founded 17 years ago, our goal was to ensure that every tourist that chooses our tour got to see a bit more of the real Dominican Republic than just the beautiful beaches and five star hotels. We work closely with farmers and producing families to maintain a fair trade market. We... Continue reading

Tina Hill’s Story

A close friend told me about Pack for a Purpose when I was recently planning a trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. My friend and I wanted to make a meaningful donation to a local organization while traveling and Rebecca of Pack for a Purpose has made the art of giving a simple process. Go to... Continue reading

Kelleen and Warren’s Story

This May we traveled to SE Asia and visited Cambodia for our first stop. After discovering Pack for a Purpose we decided to bring school supplies to the local children. It was easy to make room in our backpacks for the supplies and we even bought some extra mosquito nets once we arrived to deliver... Continue reading

Clients Contribute at My Costa Rica

Holiday Donations – Clients Packing for a Purpose! This holiday season My Costa Rica, in an effort to support sustainable and responsible tourism, began accepting charitable donations from our clients for a local orphanage. This initiative, part of the Pack for a Purpose program, gives our clients an opportunity to bring much needed school supplies,... Continue reading