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Traveler’s Success Stories

Courtney’s Story

I was on a climbing tour of Ecuador and at the end of the trip I spent a few days in the Amazon using the travel agency Soleq Travel in Quito. I collected school and personal supplies in the USA from friends and family. Diego, the owner of Soleq, took me to Refugio de los... Continue reading

CC’s Story

My beautiful daughter Chelsea Arnold and her handsome new husband Matthew Arnold got married in the Dominican Republic last week. Our family wanted to leave more than just memories of our visit, so we contacted Pack for a Purpose and we have nothing but AWESOME things to say about this wonderful organization. I highly recommend... Continue reading

Learning the “Two Gs” Starts Young

There are all types of “G” networks to help people connect with one another – 4G networks to help people communicate by phone, and before that there was 3G. Most important, however, are the 2Gs: graciousness and gratitude. When you have graciousness and gratitude in your relationships with others, you can help form a lifelong... Continue reading

Tammy’s Story

In April my husband and I participated in Pack for A Purpose for the second time.  This time we visited a school in the mountain community of Anqoto Misminay, Peru.  As with our first trip, we were able to visit the school and deliver the items in person. It was a remarkable experience to meet... Continue reading

Ellie’s Story

We recently travelled to Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. I discovered the Pack for a Purpose website and was keen to participate. Unfortunately the accommodation that we were staying at was not involved in Pack for a Purpose. Following few emails I was able to arrange for the wonderful people at Chobe Elephant camp to... Continue reading

PfaP Travelers Provide Supplies in Nepal

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb. I first went to Nepal, by myself, just six months after the earthquake in 2015. The lodges were almost empty along the Annapurna Base Camp trek. In Gandruk, my tea house had 42 beds, but only three... Continue reading

Ricardo’s Story

My wife Tania and I decided to go for the the second time to Zanzibar, but we wanted the trip to be meaningful so we started looking for possible volunteering experiences during our stay. During that search, we found the Pack for a Purpose project. We feel that our experience Packing for a Purpose reflected... Continue reading

Pack for a Purpose Once, Be Inspired to Pack for a Purpose Again

On May 23, Bougainvillea Barbados hosted a group of travel agents, including Brita Grieves with Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., the CEO of Centre Holidays Carlton Montaut, and 12 agents from Centre Holidays including myself. Our group traveled to Barbados to learn more about the destination. Our group of agents had taken school supplies to Punta... Continue reading

Linda’s Story

Do you ever bring gifts for your hosts when you travel and then luxuriate in the emptiness of your case on the way home? We had the exceptional good luck to run across Pack for a Purpose before we left on our last trip to Namibia. Our gifts for our hosts filled every nook and... Continue reading