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Traveler’s Success Stories

Gwen’s Story

Our family was traveling to Aruba so I checked online to find a way to support someone in need. I came upon the Pack for a Purpose website and found a partner there. In the weeks leading up to, our trip we looked for books to take along. We ended up taking 89 books in... Continue reading

Rebecca’s Story

We made plans to join our local Jazz radio station for a trip to Panama for the Panama Jazz Festival with side trips to the canal.  As I always do – I checked to see if there was a Pack for a Purpose partner near where we would be.  Sure enough, there was Panama Trails. ... Continue reading

Nine Friends From Two Continents Pack for a Purpose on a Third Continent

The familiar sound of the engine hums reassuringly. The suspension communicates every detail of the terrain below you. Your hands rest gently, yet firmly on the grips. You don’t tell it what to do, it already knows. It follows your gaze, reads your thoughts. You trust the machine, and it’s never given you a reason... Continue reading

Rich’s Story

  We came from Ohio in the USA. For a six-day dirt road motorcycle ride in Ecuador with Ecuador Freedom Bike Rentals. We filled two backpacks with school supplies and hauled them for about three days until we found the remote school to receive the donations.     We gave them the backpacks and all... Continue reading

Mary Ellis’s Story

As a former Girl Scout Leader and community volunteer from Scarsdale, New York, I am inspired and aware of the needs of others, especially when it is easy to help.  I am living in Dubai, UAE now and had the opportunity to visit Kenya recently.  I was there before and knew how needy the schools... Continue reading

Kristine’s Story

My mother and I were fortunate enough to vacation in the Cayman Islands at Christmas! Thanks to Pack for a Purpose we could add a little extra meaning to our holiday season. A thank you to Oracle for the donated backpacks that we each filled up with school supplies. A thank you for the cruise... Continue reading

Sophia Packs for a Purpose in India

  My name is Sophia Dhupar and I am ten years old.  I am a fifth grader at Frontier Academy Elementary School in Greeley, Colorado.  Last year, my family decided to travel to India, the birthplace of my paternal grandmother and grandfather. Prior to our trip, I got the idea to collect school supplies for... Continue reading

Stephanie Fellows’s Story

Our recent trip to Barbados was highlighted by our visit to St. Lawrence Primary School. We were delighted to visit the school and have the privilege of delivering a variety of school supplies and first aid items. There is perhaps nothing more rewarding than seeing the warm, gleeful smiles of little ones.   We applaud those... Continue reading

The DeLorey Family Story

We had the pleasure of participating in the Pack for a Purpose program a few years back when we went to Curacao and again this past Christmas. This year we went to Puerta Vallarta and were connected with a wonderful community group called Entre Amigos. The Entre Amigos facility was a short 20 minute trip... Continue reading