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Traveler’s Success Stories

Jess’s Story

This year my husband and I went on the trip of a lifetime. We spent three amazing weeks in Africa, kicking off our journey in Zanzibar. Just before our trip I heard about Pack for a Purpose and immediately knew it was a cause I should support. Africa is home to some of the world’s... Continue reading

Alicia’s Story

My husband and I recently took our honeymoon to the US Virgin Islands. Before we left, we looked online to see where we could help out and what was needed there. After doing some research, I loaded up my children and, with our needs list from Pack for a Purpose, we set out for a... Continue reading

From a Big Ship to a Small Boat, PfaP Travelers Deliver to Roatan

Recently, I took a Caribbean cruise.  I’m always torn about how to do the least harm and most good when I travel.  The image of a huge cruise ship disgorging thousands of people seems like it could damage a delicate Caribbean island ecosystem and overwhelm the local culture.  Then, I read that feeding a record... Continue reading

Rene’s Story

I Packed for a Purpose when I recently visited Toka Leya Wilderness Safaris lodge outside of Livingstone, Zambia.  The school the lodge is working with, Twabuka Middle Basic School, has only five classrooms for close to 300 students in grade levels 1 through 9. The community and the Wilderness Safaris lodge have a partnership that... Continue reading

Angie’s Story

  I learned about PfaP on the Princess Resort website. It was my first trip out of the country and I really wanted to participate. I felt so blessed and grateful to get to go on such a trip that I felt the least I could do to give back was to take supplies. It... Continue reading

Tara’s Story

  What a brilliant idea to Pack for a Purpose. I always used to give clothes I didn’t need anymore to people who needed them when I travelled, but this is an organised way to give what is actually needed where it is needed. We were lucky enough to stay at the iconic Twelve Apostles... Continue reading

Michele’s Story

We took our small children on their first major vacation to Costa Rica in May 2017, and wanted to teach them good values, the responsibility to do for others and to appreciate what life has given them. We decided to Pack for a Purpose for a local children’s charity where we were staying, Cepia through... Continue reading

Teacher Treks in Nepal with Supplies in Tow

I travelled to Nepal in December 2016 with my husband and good friend to do some trekking in the Annapurna region. We really wanted to spend some time volunteering in Kathmandu but unfortunately, we were too strapped for time… So, I was very happy to come across Pack for a Purpose, a great and simple... Continue reading

Stephanie Miller’s Story

When visiting Nevis, I stayed at the No. 1 hotel on the island, Nisbet Plantation Beach Club. Prior to my stay, I learned the resort supports a local primary school through Pack for a Purpose. Forget the “rules” of waiting until your return trip to expand your suitcase – it was easy to fit crayons, pencils,... Continue reading

Rebecca’s Story

We’ve done Pack for a Purpose on several trips.  This time, India and Nepal were our destinations.  We were going to be gone for 16 days so the packing question was a big deal.  In the end, we managed a good-sized duffel of school supplies.  I had contacted IBEX Expeditions (which supports four projects in... Continue reading