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Traveler’s Success Stories

Kevin’s Story

  One day while I was scouring the Internet for things to do while in our trip to Costa Rica, I came across Pack for a Purpose. To be honest, I do not remember where I found it or what I was searching, but I visited their website and started to read about people who... Continue reading

Hans’ Story

When planning our trip to the famous Victoria Falls Safari Lodge, I learned that the Victoria Falls Antipoaching Unit is in need of digital cameras. As I had two Nikon cameras that I did not use anymore the decision was rapidly taken: Pack it for this purpose!Continue reading

PfaP Creates Meaningful Giving Opportunities for Families

In our family, we subscribe to the belief that experience is the best teacher. However, it has been a struggle to find appropriate and meaningful opportunities to engage our brood of three children ages 4, 7 and 9 in activities that cultivate their inner global citizen. We’ve tried bake sales and lemonade stands to fundraise for causes,... Continue reading

Trading Stilettos for Supplies – A Bali Bachelorette Packs for a Purpose

Bali Bachelorette? That’s what I asked my three best friends, after discovering a discounted travel package online titled “Wake up in Bali.” After some minor investigating, skeptical of the too-good-to-be-true price, everything checked out; and last October, we checked in for 10 nights at Sadara Resort; Bali, Indonesia. My heart was overflowing with gratitude, after... Continue reading

Sherrie’s Story

As a parent volunteer and substitute teacher at Resurrection Lutheran School and Early Childhood Center in Aurora, IL, we are always looking for ways to share the gifts God has given us. This year, in lieu of traditional Christmas gift exchanges, our students and staff elected to donate supplies for the programs in Laakeech. It... Continue reading

Hans’ Story

Yvonne and I planned a travel through the South African Provinces of Eastern and Western Cape. One of the places we wanted to visit was the African Game Lodge in Montagu. While booking the Game Lodge we heard about Pack for a Purpose for the first time. So we and our friends packed needed school... Continue reading

Leslie’s Story

In November, my husband and I cruised the Amazon in Peru with Aqua Expeditions.  We Packed for a Purpose as we had done on our trip to Cambodia.  I was able to purchase 50 pairs of sandals as well as school and needed medical supplies including ointment, bandages and allowed medicines. On our last stop... Continue reading

Irene’s Story

When I booked my trip to Mongolia with Nomadic Expeditions, I discovered the lodge where I would be staying, The Three Camel Lodge, is a Pack for a Purpose participant. The lodge sponsors a school. I felt this was a great cause and decided to take needed supplies. By careful packing, I was able to... Continue reading

Linda’s Story

Bula Fiji! Thank you Pack for a Purpose for all the information you supply on your website. Armed with this information when I returned to Fiji in October 2015, I knew that I could do more. I was able take 13 pounds of supplies; consisting of crayons, coloring books, and school supplies, one soccer ball,... Continue reading

Pack for a Purpose Travelers Take Pounds of Supplies from Portland

My friend Sheila and I traveled from Portland, Oregon, to San José, Costa Rica, last November and spent two glorious weeks in Costa Rica. Our first stop was the school, Escuela Tuetal Sur, which is in Tuetal de Alajuela, a rural area outside of San José. Upon arrival at the San José airport we flagged a taxi... Continue reading