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Traveler’s Success Stories

Sal Shares with Students After Climbling Kilimanjaro

Ever since I began travelling independently at 23, I’ve always been conscious of the challenges developing countries face. In October 2019 I decided to return to Africa. This time to Tanzania in the hope to tackle the extreme challenge of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Again, my ethos came back into play – if I was going to... Continue reading

Racheal’s Birthday of Giving in Peru Through Pack for a Purpose

Traveling has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. There is nothing I love more than adventuring out to this huge world and experiencing a different culture, trying new foods, and seeing how other parts of the world live first hand. As much as I love traveling, I am extremely... Continue reading

Henry’s Story

I celebrated my Bar Mitzvah in Cape Town, South Africa with a traditional service at the historic Garden Shul synagogue.  I chose to participate in Pack for a Purpose as part of my mitzvah project to give back to the community which was so welcoming to me and my entire family.  I collected books, soccer... Continue reading

Marc’s Story

I have been able to bring school materials to places while traveling abroad four times. I like traveling and cooperation, this involves the concept called responsible traveling. The truth is that with Pack for a Purpose, it was much easier than finding a NGO that works in the field. Two out of the four times, I have brought... Continue reading

The Furse Family’s Story

My family and I spent Christmas at a hotel in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, about an hour from Marrakech. The hotel, Kasbah Tamadot, includes information about Pack for a Purpose on its website, and encourages guests to bring supplies to benefit Berber families living nearby. (The hotel’s owners have also created various skills training... Continue reading

Melissa’s Story

Last April my boyfriend Mike and I flew from Seattle Washington to the Sandos in Los Cabos. It was my very first time in Mexico. I am a teacher and was very passionate about Packing for a Purpose. I did. I collected construction paper, glue sticks, pens, crayons, markers and so much more. I even... Continue reading

Allison’s Story

Our business is a digital marketing and social media training and speaking business, so we get to travel the world to amazing places to help businesses grow. Recently we had the pleasure of speaking in Belize. I asked myself, how can we help? And then how can we help even more? The answer was very... Continue reading

The Haggett’s Family Story

I found out about Pack for a Purpose just before we left for our holiday to South Africa. One of the hotels we stayed in was a participant in the program. I started packing a backpack full of supplies in need for the local school. My 6 year old helped me choose items and pack... Continue reading

Carolina’s Story

My family and I visited Aruba for my niece’s wedding in August 2019. Whenever I travel, I always try to look for ways to give back to the community we are visiting. I want to instill in my children the spirit of giving. I also want them to understand how lucky they are and that... Continue reading