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Traveler’s Success Stories

Sherellia’s Story

Little did we know, some of our vacation time would turn into a spiritual experience. As we prepared for a trip of a lifetime to South Africa from the United States, our group decided to incorporate a service element. We researched opportunities on giving back with traveling and came across Little Eden Place, a home... Continue reading

From Canada to Costa Rica, A Family’s Meaningful PfaP Journey

When we first started planning our family vacation to Costa Rica in March 2016, we knew that in addition to exploring this beautiful country we also wanted to help out in some capacity. We started to do some research online and came across an organization called Pack for a Purpose. There were several projects listed... Continue reading

Praise for a PfaP Traveler

Becky Shedd is a PfaP traveler whose generous spirit and actions have made a Big Impact on two continents. Not only has Becky Packed for a Purpose in Turkey, but she also continued to spread the word about PfaP during her travels. Last year Becky visited Churchill, Canada, to see the polar bears and experience the wonders... Continue reading

Dana’s Story

In October 2016 my husband and I enjoyed our “holiday of a lifetime ” – safaris adventure to Kenya. We stayed in the Samburu and the Massai Mara. Prior to leaving I read about Pack for Purpose via our wonderful lodge’s website (Saruni Lodges) and was keen to get involved. It’s easy to do –... Continue reading

Girl Scouts Give Generously in the Turks & Caicos

We live in New Jersey! Our two families decided to take a trip together to Beaches Turks and Caicos in the beginning of May of 2016.  We had been talking about all the fun we were going to have for months before.  My mom went on Trip Advisor and read some reviews.  We had been... Continue reading

Teaching Our Children The Art of Giving

My husband and I find giving much more rewarding than receiving. We are trying to teach our children that being happy and living surrounded by love are more important than any material object you can buy. We are trying to teach them that it is important to help those around us when we can. If... Continue reading

Miles and Sue’s Story

Our recent trip to Costa Rica took us to the wonderful area of Ojochal and Uvita.  We once again enjoyed touring beautiful Costa Rica and enjoyed getting to know many new people.  We dropped our school supplies off at Uvita 360.  The management informed us that they would be put to good use in a... Continue reading

Lana’s Story

Through Pack for a Purpose, I discovered Peace Matunda, a fantastic school/orphanage in Tanzania. My husband and I brought bags of school supplies and a few soccer balls, but we took incredible, lifelong memories with us in exchange. We spent over a week volunteering and teaching at the family-run orphanage. We can’t wait to go... Continue reading

Sydney’s Story

Before I began preparing for a two-week study abroad program in Peru, I had never heard of the organization Pack for a Purpose. However, I was more than happy to find some room in my already full suitcase after learning a little about the program from my study abroad instructor. Pack for a Purpose works... Continue reading

Giving That Changes the World… and You

“Are we gonna take all this stuff?” my kids asked as the pile of donations on our counter grew. After years of far flung trips with their travel junkie parents, the boys had learned to abide by our no mercy rule of packing light, which I mastered out of necessity during my years of writing... Continue reading