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How to Participate

As a Traveler
It takes just 5 easy steps to Pack for a Purpose when you travel. Learn how simple it really is and how you can make a Big Impact!

As an Accommodation or Tour Company
Benefit the community projects you already support and encourage your guests to take need supplies. Follow eight easy steps to have your accommodation or tour company and the projects you support promoted on our website.

As a Travel Agency
By supporting Pack for a Purpose you can provide clients the opportunity to have the trip they take go further than the miles they travel. In addition, you promote the needs of the communities where your clients visit.

As an Advocate
Help us spread the word about Pack for a Purpose on social media, through civic groups and mentioning us to places where you stay when you travel.

As the Media
Provide your readers with valuable content and help us spread the word about Pack for a Purpose across the globe. Use our Press Kit, logos and brochure.

Pack For A Purpose